Programming Descriptions

Class Descriptions

Mighty Oaks 

This is our flagship outdoor experience for school-age children.  Our goal is to immerse children in nature and facilitate their growth in every way! This class operates in an entirely outdoors, weekly 4-hour session. Children will participate in unstructured play, as well as class-driven emergent curriculum that evolves over the course of the season. Children learn to challenge themselves as well as work with others to build, create, and discover each day. 

Quick Facts:


This is our part-time nature class for preschool-aged children. Much like our Mighty Oaks class, this will include unstructured nature play as well as emergent curriculum that develops over our time together. While immersed in nature, children will engage in activities promoting language development, number sense, science topics all while developing as a well-rounded person. 

Quick Facts:


Our Caregiver and child class is a shorter session (6 weeks) that provides an opportunity for parents (or grandparent, aunt/uncle, or other caregiver) to connect with their children as they both experience nature. We will have time for music, movement, stories, and free play each session! This class will have some optional activities designed for the session, but the main focus is time in nature and with loved ones!

Quick Facts:

Future Offerings

Stay and Play Free Forest Days

We plan to offer opportunities for families to visit our space and get a glimpse at what nature school is like! These will be on a first-come first-serve basis and will be by registration only.  Parents and children have the opportunity to ask questions and explore the woods together! Space will be limited to the first 25 registrants.

Seasonal Celebrations

At the beginning of the seasons (Equinoxes and Solstices) we plan to organize evening family events to celebrate the coming changes to our weather, flora, and fauna! These events will be laid back, engaging, and fun for adults and children of all ages! Space will be limited to the first 40 registrants.

Summer Sessions

Our summer experience includes unstructured outdoor play, nature investigation, and other activities to help connect children to nature and each other!

We have a 4-day sessions in June that run 9am-2pm with an optional extended day to 3:30pm for an additional fee. 

For children ages 5-13. 

Children will be in a mixed-age setting entirely outdoors.  

Children must bring each day: Weather-appropriate clothing (see gear list for appropriate summer clothing), healthy lunch and snack (using the least amount of disposable wrapings as possible), backpack to hold all supplies, water bottle, complete change of clothes

Space is limited to 12 children.

Parents' Afternoons Out

Let your child(ren) come play in our nature school space while you take some time to yourself! We will have free time as well as some activities planned to help your child connect with nature and others! 

Children must bring: appropriate dress for the weather, backpack with healthy snack, full change of clothes, water bottle.

Children will be in a mixed-age setting entirely outdoors.  

For children ages 3-13 (Children must be able to use the restroom independently. We currently have a privacy tent and outdoor/camp toilets and access to indoor restrooms in an emergency. )

Parents may sign children up for 1, 2, 3, or the whole session (4 events) during registration! Please note the meeting dates during sign-up. 

Space is limited to 15 children.